I commit a whole chapter to discovering your natural Courage Persona in my book, Learning to Roar. I also provide a resource chapter dedicated to helping you cultivate that persona. Discovering what attribute of courage we possess naturally and how to develop ourselves in that area; is key to our personal growth. I’ve found it also helpful to know areas where I struggle to be courageous the most. Working with both our strengths and weaknesses is how we learn to tend our gardens well. Here’s a an excerpt from Chapter Five, Learning to Roar.
The Cost is Courage Podcast : Conversations with Friends Series
I commit a whole chapter to discovering your natural Courage Persona in my book, Learning to Roar. I also provide a resource chapter dedicated to helping you cultivate that persona. Discovering what attribute of courage we possess naturally and how to develop ourselves in that area; is key to our personal growth. I’ve found it also helpful to know areas where I struggle to be courageous the most. Working with both our strengths and weaknesses is how we learn to tend our gardens well. Here’s a an excerpt from Chapter Five, Learning to Roar.
Loving a Beautiful Incarcerated Son by Brenda Seefeldt Amodea
Discovering Your Courage Persona
I commit a whole chapter to discovering your natural Courage Persona in my book, Learning to Roar. I also provide a resource chapter dedicated to helping you cultivate that persona. Discovering what attribute of courage we possess naturally and how to develop ourselves in that area; is key to our personal growth. I’ve found it also helpful to know areas where I struggle to be courageous the most. Working with both our strengths and weaknesses is how we learn to tend our gardens well. Here’s a an excerpt from Chapter Five, Learning to Roar.
Courage to Try by Melissa Hogarty
Freedom in Brokenness by Celia Miller
I want to cover my eyes at the world and tell it to go away. I want to hide my brokenness because that’s what I’ve been taught to do. I’ve been taught to hide my blemishes and my flaws because I’ve only known them as weakness. So, when the world gets loud, and I start to crack, I want to hide. Oh, Lord help me see my brokenness as beautiful in the presence of your love.
Courage in Making Decisions
Whether the decision is one of those life altering, looming giants, or is a tiny steadfast declaration to set a committed course in the future; both require courage. One may tug and pull at our emotions and the other drains our energy supply, different yet the same. Creating space to process hard decisions helps cultivate the courage you need to make them.