Courage in Making Decisions

Why does it take courage to make a decision?

Whether the decision is one of those life altering, looming giants, or is a tiny steadfast declaration to set a committed course in the future; both require courage. One may tug and pull at our emotions and the other drains our energy supply, different yet the same. That’s the kaleidoscope of courage at work.

Sometimes exercising our perseverance and patience. Sometimes moving us beyond our zone of comfort and requiring us to face fear. No one facet more important than the next. We need all our courage exercised to grow and change and endure. This is the beauty of courage.

it takes courage to make decisions because it involves both action and emotion. The kind of courage needed depends on the decision itself.

Here are a few filters we can use to help us cultivate courage with the small decisions and build storehouses for the BIG decisions:

  • Set a goal to create space for making BIG decisions.

  • Eliminate and simplify daily decisions; what to eat, what to wear, and whatever your what’s are daily and weekly. Make some of those decisions ahead of time - premake them.

  • Once these small decisions are made ex. Taco Tuesdays, batch the action. Make double. Freeze. Repeat. This creates space in your mind, heart, but maybe not your fridge!

Creating some security by premaking some routine decisions can provide the support you need when a major decision is looming. So can a “buy in” tribe. Share with those who can support and encourage. No nay sayers early in the process.

LISTEN TO EPISODE 22 : Courage in Decision Making for more insights on this topic.

Photo by Jessica Pamp on Unsplash


If you’re really interested in learning ways to cultivate courage in your everyday ordinary life I have something for you. In my book, Learning to Roar, I share my own journey of transformation. What I learned about courage changed my life, I believe it can change yours too.


Find out what women are saying about, Learning to Roar, and grab your copy.