In her moving TED talk, Rita Pierson said the following;
“Every child deserves a champion—an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.” Her case is based in the idea that self-esteem is fostered in healthy relationships.
You can watch Rita’s TED TALK HERE.
She only needed to say these words to underscore a sad reality, not all children have a Champion. When we lack this kind of adult in our life; a parent, relative, coach, mentor or (in Rita’s case) teacher, we don’t develop the courage we need to be our best adult selves. This is a part of my story.
No Champion.
It’s not as important why I lacked a Champion, as it is that I learned I could become my own. Being a person of faith I leaned on God and started to fill the void of encouragement with His voice. Then I surrounded myself with the right voices, one’s that echoed what God said was possible and true. This is a process.
Once I acquired all this courage on loan I needed to do my part. I began to take some baby steps and put that encouragement to good use. Courage is like a muscle, if you don’t use it, you lose it. I had to choose to use the encouragement I had borrowed from a pantheon of Champions and apply it to my everyday ordinary life.
And guess what…over time, it worked! No more living in a pit of discouragement for this gal.
I believe it can work for you as well. You can lean on God and surround yourself with the consistently encouraging voice of a Champion and start living the courageous life you’ve always imagined.
I’m here to be that consistently encouraging voice for you. Grab your copy of Learning to Roar and let’s get started, together!
Wife, mom, writer, business woman, and minister are the many hats I wear. An everyday ordinary woman living an extraordinary life with God. An overcomer of discouragement and obstacles, that’s what makes me a Champion. You can be too. I’m glad we’ve found each other.