Why does loving require courage?
Have you ever really thought about it? Or do you instinctually feel afraid, or happy, or even angry at that statement? Yes love is a verb. Love isn’t empty. Just a word or sentiment. It’s substantive. Full of actions, behaviors, fueled by motive.
That’s why it feels uncertain and risky. Until you tip toe into the unknown you won’t be sure if the experience will be good or painful.
Yet, a life lived without the courage to get uncomfortable to explore love isn’t a wise option for us. We were made for love. For community. For relationship. It can be tempting to try once and retreat. Or to hide behind the hurt and loss you’ve experienced by loving. But if you want to live your life with courage, that requires you to love. Courage after all is a condition of the heart. Not the anatomical condition. The spirit condition.
Here are a few lessons I’ve learned about love.
Every rose does have a thorn. Be prepared to be pricked a time or two in your relationships. This applies to family relationships, relationships with friends, and especially romantic love. Acknowledge the pain. Clean the wound. And let it heal. Don’t decide to live a life without the beauty of love. It’s colorless.
We’re all learning how to love each other well. Some are farther along than others. Be patient. And model best practices.
Love is redemptive. When you’re brave enough to try again, or attempt a do-over in a relationship, getting it right is powerful. Love truly does cover a multitude of sin.
LISTEN TO EPISODE 19 : The Courage to Love for more insights on this topic.
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If you’re really interested in learning ways to cultivate courage in your everyday ordinary life I have something for you. In my book, Learning to Roar, I share my own journey of transformation. What I learned about courage changed my life, I believe it can change yours too.
Find out what women are saying about, Learning to Roar, and grab your copy.