Courage in Self-Awareness

Why would self-awareness take courage?

You’ve heard the phrase; no pain no gain, haven’t you? Well, the same can be said for personal growth and self-awareness. We can’t grow, change, and become our most healthy selves without having the courage to look within and ask some scary questions.

When we brave the pain of exposing our own egos and pride and allow time to investigate the “why” behind some uncomfortable feelings we can experience acute vulnerability. Feelings of insecurity and exposure can flood in like tsunamis. But we also have courage to keep us afloat.

Courage exists so we don’t get overtaken with these strong and sometimes mean emotions.

The goal is never to discourage you to a point of defeat and shame. But always to push you towards wholeness, healing, and healthy self-knowledge. The reward for this kind of courage is priceless. Those of us who commit routinely to dive into self investigation most often are the one’s who have intimate and sustainable relationships.

Who doesn’t want intimate and sustainable relationships?

Yes, the goal here is a life filled with high quality relationships that are fulfilling.

So, how do we develop our own set of self-awareness practices? First, we need SPACE.

Allow time on a, daily if possible, schedule to relax and reflect. You can review your day before bed. Journal anything that is confusing or unsettling. Ask yourself questions.

What didn’t feel right?

Where was there tension?

Who was agitated? Who agitated you? Is there a place where this is reoccurring?

This may not be your favorite way of cultivating courage, but it could be the one that produces the most growth. Always remember that you are both a masterpiece and a work in progress. Hold these two truths in balance to avoid overwhelm when opportunities to change are revealed.

Change is hard. But also possible. It takes courage forge ahead and grow through areas of your personhood that could use a bit of alteration. Apply grace.

LISTEN TO EPISODE 23 : Courage in Self-Awareness for more insights on this topic.

Photo by Armand Khoury on Unsplash


If you’re really interested in learning ways to cultivate courage in your everyday ordinary life I have something for you. In my book, Learning to Roar, I share my own journey of transformation. What I learned about courage changed my life, I believe it can change yours too.


Find out what women are saying about, Learning to Roar, and grab your copy.