Courage to Hope

We use courage when we hope, do you agree???

The little things in life happen or don’t at an infinite pace in our daily lives. But hope, we reserve hope for the BIG things in life.

  • The milestones.

  • The plot peaks.

  • The victories.

These are the means by which we cultivate the courage to hope. Want nothing. Hope for nothing.

Which begs the question; what are you hoping for?

If you don’t have a quick answer t this question, consider the following options.

  1. Is there a dream you’ve carried around just waiting for the right time to pursue it?

  2. Have you allowed disappointment to discourage you from hoping for something new, or to try again?

  3. What is possible now that has never been possible before?

Here’s one way to take a step of courage toward HOPE today.

Image an ideal. What’s that dream? or what would have been the opposite of that BIG disappointment? Now, take time to look at images of that ideal. Write down a few reasons why you would HOPE for it. The goal here is to kindle your courage. Find out how much HOPE you really carry for that ideal, then begin taking baby steps in the direction of your HOPE.

LISTEN TO EPISODE 18 : Courage to Hope for more insights on this topic.

Photo by Gabriel Lamza on Unsplash

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If you’re really interested in learning ways to cultivate courage in your everyday ordinary life I have something for you. In my book, Learning to Roar, I share my own journey of transformation. What I learned about courage changed my life, I believe it can change yours too.

Learning to Roar Book

Find out what women are saying about, Learning to Roar, and grab your copy.