Why does it take courage to succeed?
Success is a journey. A journey that requires you to survey roads and pathways laid out by others. To evaluate where you’d like to go. And setting a course. No one has ever lived the same life you are living. Roadblocks, detours, and forks in the road will pop up as you set your course. There will be risk.
And wherever risk is present courage is required.
Persevering through the risk, setting your own course, and pushing through the fear of uncertainty will condition your courage for a life long journey toward success. Be gentle as you learn, you’ve never done this before, this whole living thing. The journey is also a process.
A process that requires you to define what success looks like to you. In your skin, with your desires, your priorities, your gifts. No one can tell you what success looks like on you. Mapping out your own journey is it’s own courageous act. Dare to define for yourself what success is. Break the societal mold and be true to yourself.
Yes, as you success the weight of continued success increases.
Yes, as you succeed you will feel vulnerable and exposed.
Yes, there will be an invitation to fear the responsibility of success.
Living your unique life full of potential and purpose is worth using your courage isn’t it? What’s the alternative?
Here are 3 tips to cultivating courage in success:
Create a map for what success looks like according to your own goals, values, and mission.
Embrace that risk is a fundamental part of learning.
Develop goals that align with your own success map.
Now go…
make a move
push through the fear
LISTEN TO EPISODE 25 : Courage in Success for more insights on this topic.
If you’re really interested in learning ways to cultivate courage in your everyday ordinary life I have something for you. In my book, Learning to Roar, I share my own journey of transformation. What I learned about courage changed my life, I believe it can change yours too.
Find out what women are saying about, Learning to Roar, and grab your copy.